
We currently do not have any open positions, but we are always on the lookout for talented individuals who are passionate about what we do. If you believe you'd be a great fit for our team, please feel free to reach out to us.

If you're interested in future opportunities, please contact us at info@havoksec.in


At your Service

About Us

Discover The Secrets of Cybersecurity.
Learn More About Us!

At Havok Security, we're passionate about making cybersecurity accessible and engaging. We believe everyone deserves to understand the ever-evolving digital landscape and protect themselves from online threats.

We provide comprehensive penetration testing services for web applications and networks, identifying and remediating vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

Expert Pentesters

We have a team of experts and passionate pentester who love to find issues for you.

CTF Organisers

The CTF's Organised by us has always been interactive and the show stopper for every events.